Graduate Research:

We currently have 1-2 graduate research assistantships (starting August 2023) available for highly-motivated students to join our team.

If you are interested to join the team, please contact Dr. Kai Zou directly for more information!

​Undergraduate Research:

Undergraduates are highly encouraged to reach out to Dr. Kai Zou to discuss opportunities. In general, students can take EHS 485 (Independent Study) or EHS 490 (Internship) for credits to complete independent research projects in the laboratory. Most students begin at the beginning of their sophomore or junior year and register Independent Study for 3 credit hours (= 9-12 hours/week). Requirements to begin independent research include completion of Biol 207 and 208 (A&P I and II), high GPA, good work ethic, enthusiasm, and/or permission from Dr. Kai Zou.

Typically, undergraduate students spend the first semester in the lab learning basic wet lab techniques and working with graduate students on their projects. Once proficient, students can begin their own research project.

If you are interested to join the team, please contact Dr. Kai Zou directly for more information!