Muscle Metabolism and Physiology Lab


November 2022

August 2022: Welcome Grace and Nick

Grace Rosen (Master’s Student in Biology) & Nicolas Berger (Doctoral Student in Exercise and Health Sciences) join the IMPL! We’re looking forward to seeing their research develop as they settle into the lab.

May 2022: Welcome Jared Lourie

Jared Lourie (BSc. Biology, UMass Boston) has joined the lab as our Research Technician. He will be the first lab staff in the IMPL!

May 2022: First doctoral student in IMPL graduated!

Doctoral student Benjamin Kugler successfully defended his dissertation entitled “THE ROLE OF SKELETAL MUSCLE DRP1-MEDIATED MITOCHONDRIAL FISSION IN OBESITY-INDUCED INSULIN RESISTANCE”. Congratulations, Dr. Kugler! So proud of you!!!

April 2022: Doctoral student Benjamin Kugler on winning the Virendra B. Mahesh Award of Excellence in Endocrinology and Metabolism

Congratulations to doctoral student Benjamin Kugler on winning the prestigious American Physiological Society Virendra B. Mahesh Award of Excellence in Endocrinology and Metabolism. His presentation is entitled “The Loss of Drp1 Improves Skeletal Muscle Insulin Action in Primary Myotubes Derived… Continue Reading →

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